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In November, the Autumn rises and metal rules. We tend to turn towards more and more aged puerhs and aged oolongs. We also find ourselves drinking more tea, as the body and spirit prepare for winter. In the summer, the heat in Taiwan is strong so the autumn is always one of our favorite seasons - that's because, next to winter, we drink the most tea in the autumn!
It is such an inspiration to see this community growing so organically. Every direction we turn, Global Tea Hut members are meeting, sharing tea and fellowship around the world. And as this energy continues to expand, we will eventually be able to take this magazine to the quality level we've been dreaming of: with more travel to remote tea regions to introduce you to the history, processing and appreciation of new teas. The tea world is vast, and we want to cover more and more of it, so that we can learn about this Leaf we all adore, deepen our love and strengthen our connection to Nature, ourselves and each other. We also hope to find rarer teas in that process, not to mention connecting and supporting organic farmers throughout Asia - the real tea masters!
We would like to ask you to continue helping us by sharing Global Tea Hut with your friends and families. Not only does this mean a better envelope, it also means that we will together build a gorgeous tea center in the mountains of Taiwan - there to promote harmony and tea spirit for generations... If all of us find one member a month, we will be able to start building in the coming year. And finding one member a month shouldn't be so hard, especially as these magazines, teas and community all continue to improve! We would like to bow to those of you who have put so much effort already into sharing and expanding this beautiful community! It is wonderful to see all the positive influence our work has had on the world.
We aren't making these magazines to produce a product. There is no end game for us, as this is all non-profit and the goal is to produce a center for you to enjoy and learn from. In other words, this is a labor of love and you are the object of that love, my gorgeous tea brother or sister!
Of course, another very productive way that you can help us is to get in touch and tell us what you think about the Global Tea Hut experience. Any ideas for improvements? How do you like the videos we're publishing each month along with these magazines? Didn't know there were videos? Then tell us how we can improve communication... In that way, we can improve this experience for everyone and help this community grow closer together while at the same time expanding it!
This month we are going to explore a tea that all of you whom have visited our center know and love: GABA. We love nighttime tea sessions, especially around the full moon. If you are free the next day, nothing beats an all-night session - especially in or around bamboo - enjoying some aged teas. But GABA is relaxing, and helps you get a good night's sleep, which means it is often the tea we turn to when a guest arrives in the evening and we want to serve them some tea, but don't want to keep them up.
Also, in this issue, we're going to introduce you to one of our all-time favorite tea masters: Deng Ding Sou. Master Sou is an amazing artist, friend and soul who has done so much for the tea world and our center over the years. He is such a great tea brother; one we hope you all have the good fortune of sharing tea with at some point. He has a great sense of humor, is always smiling and is very generous with his heart, his work and his passion for tea. Not every teaware artist works with such a deep love for and devotion to the Leaf.
So let's delve in to this month's amazing, ecologically-grown organic GABA tea and this incredible issue of tea wisdom, beautiful teaware and tea people. It was all put together with a love for the Leaf and a deep love and respect for each and every one of you. If you haven't yet come over for tea, you're invited! And until then, we're together in spirit, at least at every one of your Global Tea Hut sessions...